Capital Blossom Day Spa – Washington, DC

waxing washington dc

Salon Waxing Should Not Be A Scary Experience

Waxing is a great way to keep your skin smooth and hair free, but if you’re new to the process, it can be pretty scary. So, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions ‘waxing?’ Be honest- are you cringing already?

To many, the word alone can offer a sense of fear, a feeling of pain, or possibly a reminder of the old saying ‘beauty is pain.’ While we all want smooth, stubble-free legs for the summer months, the pain associated with waxing causes many to avoid this experience and its benefits.
tips for waxing best result
But wait! There’s good news! We have some tips and tricks that will help you get through waxing with less pain and more results:
Set your expectations. Waxing isn’t exactly like a trip to the salon—it takes time to get used to it and learn how best to prepare yourself beforehand so that you can feel comfortable while getting services done on your body. Make sure you set aside at least an hour before your appointment so that you have time to relax and take care of yourself before getting started.
Do dull the nerves. Apply something to numb the skin before waxing. 30–45 minutes before your wax, take an aspirin or ibuprofen. This is especially beneficial for waxing the areas above the lip, chest, bikini, and genital areas, which are the most painful.
Seek a professional. It doesn’t have to be a licensed professional, but it should be someone with experience. They’ll use the wax that’s ideal for the hair, apply the proper thickness, tug in the right direction, and hold the skin taut. Important for any waxing, but especially important while getting a bikini wax, particularly a Brazilian.
smoking can cause skin irritation
Reduce the acidity. Smoking, as well as regular caffeine and alcohol usage, produces a great deal of acid in the body. To lessen acidity and thus skin irritation, you might want to take something like Tums 20 minutes before your service.
body scrub
Make use of a body scrub. While the skin on the face is often exfoliated enough by waxing, the skin on the body need a bit more assistance. A rough body scrub will assist remove dead cells from around skin pores and hair follicles, making it simpler to exit.
numb skin
Ice should not be used to numb the skin. You might assume that using ice to numb the skin and lessen waxing pain is a good idea. However, anything cold applied to the skin tightens pores. The premise is the same as before: we want our pores to be lovely and relaxed.
Don’t get tense. While getting waxed, some people hold their breath or stiffen their entire body. While it may be easier said than done, breathing deeply will help you manage with pain much better.

Being said, waxing is a fantastic approach for both men and women to get rid of unwanted hair on their bodies. Waxing is low-maintenance and quick, so don’t be afraid to try it.

Follow these guidelines before waxing to make sure your wax goes as smoothly and as painlessly as possible. When you’re well-prepared, you’ll find that waxing is truly a lot more enjoyable.